Government Funded Disability Courses (30)


8 related search results for "government funded disability courses"


HECS-HELP: what does it mean?

HECS-HELP The HECS-HELP scheme provides you with access to a loan to help you pay your student contribution amount, with the added incentive of a discount for upfront payment of

FEE-HELP: what does it mean?

FEE-HELP FEE-HELP is a loan scheme to help students pay all, or part, of their tuition fees. You can only access FEE-HELP if you're planning to study at a university

VET FEE-HELP: what does it mean?

VET FEE-HELP VET FEE-HELP is a loan scheme to help students pay tuition fees for higher-level vocational education and training (VET) qualifications. VET qualifications covered by VET FEE-HELP include qualifications

5 high-paying jobs that don't require a degree

It's one of the most common complaints of recent university graduates - no one wants to hire someone who has the qualification but no on-the-job experience. Young Aussies are now

MBA Vs Masters. Which One to Choose?

If you are wondering what is the difference between an MBA, and Masters look no further. In this article, we will summarise what an MBA is and what a Masters

HELP loan schemes: what does it mean?

Do you know your FEE-HELP from your HECS-HELP, and your indexation from your eligibility? You might have heard of the government's Higher Education Loan Program (HELP), but getting your head

How to become a disability support worker in Australia: disability services

An attendant care worker can work in a home or clinical environment, providing personal assistance to clients. You will usually help with everyday tasks such as hygiene, toileting, eating and daily exercise planning.

How to become a Naturopath in Australia

... by assessing their health and providing a course of natural remedies designed to help them ... Naturopath in Australia. Step 1: Do an accredited course. A nationally accredited course of study will offer you up-to-date ...

