Monash College Future Skills Courses

Monash College Future Skills, our mission is to revolutionise workforce productivity and adaptability in today's dynamic world. We are dedicated to equipping our customers and students with the skills for the future workforce with an array of learning options, including a variety of short courses, micro-credentials, both accredited and non-accredited programs. Our offerings, which range in duration are carefully designed to incorporate the latest in AI technology, providing a highly personalised and effective educational experience. We specialise in four main areas: Digital, Care, Clean Economy, and Professional skills. At Future Skills learning is deeply integrated with innovation and practical skills, paving the way for a transformative and impactful career journey.

Educational and support services are available to assist all students at Monash College. Students can contact their trainer to discuss and clarify assessment requirements, the timing of assessments and reasonable adjustments that may apply in some circumstances.

Learning Support Advisors are available to assist students with study skills such as time management, conducting research, English language and numeracy skills.

Free, confidential student counselling support is available to help students manage personal issues.


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Monash College Future Skills
Monash College Future Skills
7 courses