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What do I need to study to become an Advertising or Marketing Professional?


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What is an Advertising or Marketing Professional?

Advertising or Marketing Professionals are tasked with the development and coordination of advertising strategies and campaigns while also supporting business growth through the execution of marketing objectives.
They will also be involved in identifying and developing market opportunities for new and existing goods and services.

Determining the market needs of an organisation, assisting in the generation, implementation and maintenance of market plans as well as promotions, pricing, product development and advertising strategies are also key aspects of an Advertising or Marketing Professional’s responsibilities.

An organisation’s public image is also within the purview of the Advertising or Marketing Professional role and, as such, they are involved in planning and organising publicity campaigns, undertaking or commissioning public opinion research and predicting current and future consumer trends.

What do Advertising or Marketing Professionals do?

  • Planning, developing and implementing advertising and marketing campaigns and policies.
  • Analysing data to identify and predict current and future consumer trends.
  • Collecting and interpreting data and statistics in order to determine demand and market opportunities for new goods and services.
  • Preparing and executing marketing objectives to support business growth and development.
  • Advising on strategies and campaigns designed to reach specific target markets, increase consumer awareness and promote key aspects of goods and services.
  • Undertaking and commissioning public opinion research in order to plan and implement public relations and publicity campaigns.
  • Supervising production of marketing and advertising materials such as artwork, TV production, copywriting and media placement on time and within budget constraints.

Career snapshot for Advertising or Marketing Professional

  • The average age of working Advertising or Marketing Professionals is 34.
  • 39.60% of Advertising or Marketing Professionals are male.
  • 77.60% of Advertising or Marketing Professionals work full-time and on average they work around 40 hours per week.
  • With A Bachelor Degree or higher, Advertising or Marketing Professionals get paid $1,346 per week Before Tax.
  • Unemployment levels are average.
  • In 2015 records showed 55,000 employed Advertising or Marketing Professionals.
  • The projected growth of the profession is estimated to be strong with employment numbers around 63,600 by 2020.